Rosalinda +36209521649 Motto: "rosszlá"
Gyöngyös, Heves megye
28 years old, 160 cm, 53 kg
Slim shape, Shaved, Latin
Half long, Black hair, Brown eyes
Have piercing
Straight girl, Escort, Massage
Answer to SMS, Don’t answer hidden number
I smoke
Only at your place
Profile filled: 47 %
Szia rosalinda vagyok egy igazán tüzes forró lány aki kalandra és szórakozásra vágyik a beszédem kissé nehézkes beszéd hibám van de még értetem magam .
Ha te is így gondolod hívj bizalommal és nem fogod meg bánni
Monday: | 00 - 24 |
Tuesday: | 00 - 24 |
Wednesday: | 00 - 24 |
Thursday: | 00 - 24 |
Friday: | 00 - 24 |
Saturday: | 00 - 24 |
Sunday: | 00 - 24 |
60 messages 0 unread, was here at 2024-12-18 12:50:04
What I like
Blowjob with condom
Blowjob (if you ask)
Cuming into mouth at the end (if you ask)
Cuming over body at the end
Cuming over face at the end
Deep throat
69 (if you ask)
Swallow (if you ask)
Intercourse (condom only) (if you ask)
Anal depends on size (condom only) (if you ask)
Vibrator play
Kiss (depends on attraction)
Bathing together
Sex cam
Masturbation together
Watching porn together
Squirting (if you ask)
Who I look for
Man, Several men
Be clean and nice.
even to bachelor parties, other parties
Only at your place, In a car
half, one, more till hour(s)
Based on
Place: | |
Physique: | |
Attitude: | |
Technique: | |
Overall: |
- Today views: 1081
- Likes: 20
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