Mona +36201234567 Motto: "rosszlá"
40 years old, 167 cm, 80 kg, 100 breast
Roundish shape, Shaved
Long, Black hair, Blue eyes
Natural boobs
Straight girl, Escort, Massage
At my or your place
Profile filled: 30 %
A nice and naughty girl is waiting for you! Call me!
Monday: | 00 - 24 |
Tuesday: | 00 - 24 |
Wednesday: | 00 - 24 |
Thursday: | 00 - 24 |
Friday: | 00 - 24 |
Saturday: | 00 - 24 |
Sunday: | 00 - 24 |
10 messages 10 unread, was here at 2024-12-14 17:29:21
What I like
Cuming over body at the end
Vibrator play
Bathing together
Masturbation together
Who I look for
Man, Couples
Be clean and nice.
Escort service as well
At my or your place, In a car
half, one, more till hour(s), even more Days
Based on
Place: | |
Physique: | |
Attitude: | |
Technique: | |
Overall: |
- Today views: 768
- Likes: 6
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