Országos Szexpartner & Masszázs Kereső

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Szexpartner & Masszázs


Új tag
Aktivitási index: 11,7
  • 2025-02-18 11:11:35-kor járt itt
  • 2025-02-18-én regisztrált
  • 1 levél, 1 olvasatlan
  • 1 értékelést írt
  • 0 fórum bejegyzést írt
  • 0 privát jegyzetet írt
  • 0 hirdető tetszik neki
  • 0 hirdető nem tetszik neki
  • 92x jelent meg az adatlap
  • 0 felhasználót tiltott le
  • 1 felhasználó találta hasznosnak értékelését
  • 0 felhasználót követ
  • 0 felhasználó követi


Vanda 2021.08.25 06:12 (Szexpartner értékelés) 1 / 1

Contact: Ot was an easy and friendly phonecall that said almost everything that what you can aspect ...

Place: The Apartment is nice, not the biggest but it is very fit for the porpuse and she makes it just nice with her appearance

Looks: She was a dream, i mean she is not only beautifull she is a goddess dont ver watches the clock always delivers what you like to do she is unbeliveable beautifull. Her breasts are not real but they do feel like it her breasts are so beautifull i wanked a while long only thinking back to the date with her. Btw it is quiet a while ago hmm 4 weeks by now but neverthhe less it was incrediple

Attitude: Attitude, she is friendly she asks you what you would like and deliver it sharply with a feeling of love...thank you so much i will come again but i wana have more time maybe 2-3 hours cause it cant be enough

Act: She welcomed me in lingerie cause i asked for it so i was stunned allready in the door way, i went for an shiwer clearly i wana present my self clean and like worthy we went to the bed sight and it was just stunning she was soo damn good...she blowed me i could have flyed to heaven, i played with her tits and became such a heart on it was stunning ...the rest is my memory i dont wana share i only can say she is a goddess and you should come and visit her

Satisfaction and Recommendation: I am mlre then satisfied i can recoman hershe is just kinda perfect...you will see thank you i will come again

Vanda Vanda 2021.08.26 15:50
Thanks! I'll wait for you back :)