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Törölt_Adatlap (inactive) 2015.03.21 20:33 (Sexpartner review) 1 / 12

Contact: Easy to make arrangements with her. She was ready.

Könnyú volt kapcsolatot egyeztetni vele. Kelemes volt a telefonon.

Place: The apartment is older, but clean and in good order. The bathroom was not too small but neiehter was it big, it had a bathtub and a separate shower too.

Régebbi lakás, de tiszta és rendezett. A fürdő újitott nem tül kicsi, sem oriasi, kad és különálló zuhány is.

Looks: She is more attractive than in the photos. Very nicely shaped. Feminine, not skinny but not fat by any means, full figured. Very pleasantly proportioned. Pleasant to the eyes.

Csinosabb mint a fotokban. Szépen formázott. Nőies, nem vekony sem duci, hanem szép az aranyzatot, formált alakja. Nagyon kelemesen aranyzatot. Kelemes a szémnek.

Attitude: FRIENDLY. She was immediately ready for everything. I did not have to tell her what I wanted, human nature called her to the desired action. When we were finished with the action and time was running out she said "Would you like to take a shower?" She did not say, The time ran out - which I think would be insensitive. She is a cultured girl.

BARATSAGOS. Röktön kész volt mindenre. Nem kellett mondani mit kivanom, az emberi természet hivott a kivant cselekedetre. Termesetes. Amikor kész, azt mondta, hogy "szeretnél zuhányozni?" Nem szolt, kifogyott az időd - ami szerintem, durva. Kulturált lány.

Act: She allows herself to be enveloped and fully penetrated by her partner. NO hesitation. She lets you have her - completely. She wanted to be sure I climaxed and enjoyed myself. Sweet. She clearly wants to make sure her guest gets what they asked for - and she delivers. We started with her on top. She watched my reaction as she thrust her hips and my hard cock penetrated deeply into her. Her eyes were asking, "Do you like it?" Yes! It was sweet! She is sweet. She is a mixture of sweet and horny. I don't think she really wants to do this, BUT she is clearly dedicated to giving her guests what they asked for. She adjusts her attitude and embraces you. There is NO acting in this girl. She does not beg you to scream.

She is not into kissing, but she does not say so. It is just obvious. Even so, she looked deep into my eyes the whole time that we were together. She was very open to conversation, before, during and after intercourse. A GOOD FUCK! ...for SURE!

Satisfaction and Recommendation: Yes. If I want a sensitive, friendly girls who rocks in bed. She is it! Her shape is a treat for the eyes. Soft skin. Her aim is to satisfy you without fake screams and games. She is a real girl who gives you want you want.

funmich987 funmich987 2015.04.23 10:12
great review! she sounds perfect. when i'm in town I'll definitely have to meet her :)